Monday 21 October 2013

Five of Australia's Stupidest Laws


So I thought I would write an entry about some of the stupidest laws ever to make it into Australian law. Some of these laws are well just mind-blowingly dumb but they have been made law and some of them have been removed at later dates.
So let’s get started.

5.  Children may not purchase cigarettes, but they may use them.

Now this is just a stupid law on its own as in all states and territories of Australia you must be over the age of 18 to buy cigarettes and if you look under 25 you’re going to be asked to show your ID, now ladies don’t take that the wrong way take it as a complement.
What is worse is that if you supply a minor with these products you don’t just risk jail time but a huge fine and could lose the ability to sell those products both for the individual supplying it to the minor and the business that sells it to the person even if they are over 18.

4. It is illegal to force a kangaroo to drink more than 6 bottles of beer.

Ok so if you’re anything like me you would have read that and started laughing and thinking but “I can give a Kangaroo up to 5 bottles of beer”. But I must say I have never even seen a drunk Kangaroo and now I really want to.
How this law got through is well a mystery to myself and I have done a lot of google-fu to try and find the answer but can’t.

3. Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb.

Yes, this law is an old one but it still exists within the state of Victoria but it’s not really policed and if it was you would be charged a fine of 10 pounds which today would be, well I have no idea we use dollars today.

What is funny about this law is that local hsupermarkets like Coles and Woolworths sell them on their shelves ready to be put in by the everyday person, I mean why would you get a licensed electrician out to install a new light globe, they will just charge you an arm and a leg for that service.
So next time you want to change that blown light globe on the front porch make sure there are no police around and you will be fine.

2 People may not come within 100 meters of a dead whale carcass.

This is a new law that has just become law in some Australian states, you may ask why and that is an easy one to answer. Stupid tourists have come to our country and seen dead whales and thought it would be fun to go out there and pat the sharks that are eating it and what do you know the shark turns on them.
So this law is not so dumb after all, but, you would think, “why would anyone go anywhere near something that is getting eaten by sharks?” And the answer is tourists are not always the smartest of people when they come to an unfamiliar country.

1. It is illegal to dress up as Batman or Robin.

Now this has got you thinking why and the reason is in some states there are laws where you are not allowed to cover your face for the fear you’re a cat burglar.  


Think about the irony of that for a minute.


1 comment:

  1. Are you paying over $5 / pack of cigarettes? I'm buying my cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and I'm saving over 50% on cigarettes.
