Tuesday 25 June 2013

Will There Be A Justice League 2015 Movie?

Ok so let me begin with something everyone already knows: the sequel for Man of Steel is set to go ahead before the actual Man of Steel has even been released. Old news. As is the news (it can't really be called news if it's news to no one) that Zach Snyder, Christopher Nolan and David Goyer will be returning with the sequel. 

This has sparked speculation about whether or not the Man of Steel sequel is a sign that there'll be a Justice League movie. A sign that DC Comics is going to follow in Marvel's footsteps and develop a movie franchise. After all, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are some of the most famous superheroes around. 

Except there isn't too much online on whether or not there'll be a Justice League movie in the near future. Just a lot of speculation. As well as a little bit of heresay and conjecture (which are arguably the best kinds of evidence there is). Nothing solid. 

There being no Justice League movie seems just as likely as there being a movie. 

And then there was that announcement last week about the possibility of the Man of Steel sequel hitting the big screen as early as next year. That's certainly thrown some fuel into the speculation mill: why else announce a sequel before the original has even hit the big screen, especially in the such near future (did that make sense?)? 

Apart from creating a massively high stress work environment for everyone involved. 

So while we're still without any kind of solid evidence (which are overrated) about there being a Justice League movie. 

But then, there's also the whole "there's already a team of superheroes" in Hollywood thing. Is there really room for another team that is very similar?

Yeah, ok based on Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down, there is room for two different superhero teams in Hollywood. Although (and this is just my personal belief) that would just be sad and a sure sign that creativity in Hollywood is dead. Really dead. 

But it turns out that there might have been a Justice League movie on the cards back in 2008 when a Wonder Woman movie almost hit the big screen. There's rumours that that movie was the precursor to a Justice League movie. But that never happened because, you know, the writer's strike, which is a shame because Megan Gale would've rocked as Wonder Woman. Don't get me wrong, the writer's strike was important and for a good reason, it just makes me sad when I read about all the awesome movies and TV programs that we missed out on as a result (I should just stop looking back in the past, I guess). 

And just think about it, if that Wonder Woman movie had've gone ahead it could've been the Justice League we all flocked to the cinemas to see past year. Or we could've flocked to the cinemas twice to see two different superhero teams save the world. *cough, cough* Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down! 

Peace out!

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