Monday 3 June 2013

Where I Wonder About Beauty & the Beast

Ok, so Beauty and the Beast hit our
airwaves last week and it's probably getting decent viewing ratings because it's on after Offspring and there's not too much else to watch at 9:30 Tuesday nights. Plus the title will also be helping to get people's interest: it's a story we all grew up with and people would be curious to see a modern, non Disney take on Beauty and the Beast. 
The problem is, I can already tell what the story arc is: it's just your run of the mill quest story;
The protagonist, Catherine Chandler, learns that a parent, in this case Chandler's mother, was murdered due to some dark secret she was keeping. Naturally, Chandler wants to learn more about this dark secret and does all in her power to do so. Luckily she's a cop (they're always cops, too), so she has the resources to help with this. She very quickly enlists the help of a dark and mysterious stranger, Vincent Keller, who just happens to have supernatural abilities (they almost always have supernatural abilities, and they almost always have encountered one another years earlier), who can help her find the information she needs when conventional methods fail. 
Of course, there's going to be trust issues with this partnership, but they'll quickly learn that they can't operate as well without the other helping out, and become firm friends. 
During their quest to find out what happens to Chandler's mother, Chandler and Keller will come up against evil forces (presumably some kind of government agency if not the government itself, and will might even have people with supernatural abilities of their own), save countless of innocent lives by thwarting said evil forces, and learn a lot about themselves and each other along the way. 
And when they do uncover the truth about Chandler's mother, there will undoubtedly be questions that will lead to next season's story arc.
Sounds familiar, right? 
But hopefully, the writer's will be able to hide this and still draw audience's in week after week, because let's face it, we need more scripted TV on our airwaves instead of all this "reality" shiz that we're currently stuck with

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