Sunday 5 January 2014

Game Review: Pangya

For those that like Golf/anime. Then this game could be for you. It is a free to download and play as well as being a cash shop.  We have found the best way to convert cash to points is with the Ultimate Game Card which can be purchased from places like EB. 
The graphics are pretty good but depending on your graphics and computer speed, you may from time to time experience lag.
There are 19 courses for all levels of play whether you're a rookie or world pro.

The characters range from a cute lil 11 yr old pirate girl, Kooh, to the more skanky type of Cecelia.  All up there are 11 characters both male and female.  Personally I play the demon son Kaz who has a pet dragon. (for those that don't know me I'm dragon mad).

There are 4 game modes
Family:   (up to 4 players can play on the one computer)
Versus: Take turns with other players to complete a course. You don't have to complete a whole course, choose 3, 6, 9 or 18 holes. The player with the lowest score at the end of the match wins!
Tournament:   30 players max, all shooting for the lowest score.  Everyone plays at the same time and must complet all 9 or 18 holes within a set time limit. The max time limit can be set as high as 50 minutes.  Special bonuses are handed out depending on your game play.
Battle Mode:  You put your pang on the line.(ingame currency which you earn as you play.  Points you pay with rl money).  You have a set time to chip in the hole or get as close as possible.  Max of 30 players.
Events are held year round.  At the moment it is the christmas event.  Just recently they have added  a daily quest which there are 3 parts ranging from earning so many pang per game, to HIO (hole in one), to match games which is a team event or complete certain courses.  Some of the other events are Halloween, Thanksgiving,  Valentine's Day, St Pats day, New Year,  Easter. There are also character birthday events.
There are a variety of caddies and mascots which give you bonuses depending on which one of these you choose.  Some will give you an extra slot in your inventory, or an extra power bar.
We have been playing Pangya since it was originally Albatross 18 a few years ago.  It can be frustrating, but is also a way you can take out your daily frustrations whacking a golf ball round a cow paddock.  (rofl).
If you decide to join us, you can look for me (rose)Sie or Black(tear)Ice.
Hope to see you on the Green.

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