Monday 26 August 2013

In Which I Briefly Give My Thoughts About Ben Affleck and Batman

Yeah, so you've all heard the news about Ben Affleck being Batman in the Man of Steel sequel and if, for some reason, you hadn't heard, well, now you know. You've probably got your own thoughts about him being Batman. 

I'm actually on the fence myself. I'll wait and see how Affleck does as the Bat before passing judgement. 

I mean after all, (dare I say it and risk being unpopular?) Christain Bale wasn't all that great in the recent Batman movies. It was Christopher Nolan and the amazing line up of villains that really carried that trilogy. Think about it, about each movie. Who's the most memorable character in each? 

The villains, right?

It was those villains that challenged Batman and made him who he is, forced him to look inside himself and improve himself. It's the villains that define Batman. 

So there's really not much for Affleck to live up to as Batman. 

Well, ok, maybe there is with all of the previous Batmans. But that would be more "Who was the best Batman?" conversation over drinks. 

What I'm getting at is that there's plenty of room for Affleck to make the role his own. He could be one of the best Batmans ever. Or he could be the worst. We don't know yet. We have to wait and see him in Batman vs Superman. One thing is for sure though, I'm really looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight kick the Man of Steel's ass. 

And don't forget, Affleck is one of those lucky few who gets to say this, 

Peace out!

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