Monday 26 August 2013

In Which I Briefly Give My Thoughts About Ben Affleck and Batman

Yeah, so you've all heard the news about Ben Affleck being Batman in the Man of Steel sequel and if, for some reason, you hadn't heard, well, now you know. You've probably got your own thoughts about him being Batman. 

I'm actually on the fence myself. I'll wait and see how Affleck does as the Bat before passing judgement. 

I mean after all, (dare I say it and risk being unpopular?) Christain Bale wasn't all that great in the recent Batman movies. It was Christopher Nolan and the amazing line up of villains that really carried that trilogy. Think about it, about each movie. Who's the most memorable character in each? 

The villains, right?

It was those villains that challenged Batman and made him who he is, forced him to look inside himself and improve himself. It's the villains that define Batman. 

So there's really not much for Affleck to live up to as Batman. 

Well, ok, maybe there is with all of the previous Batmans. But that would be more "Who was the best Batman?" conversation over drinks. 

What I'm getting at is that there's plenty of room for Affleck to make the role his own. He could be one of the best Batmans ever. Or he could be the worst. We don't know yet. We have to wait and see him in Batman vs Superman. One thing is for sure though, I'm really looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight kick the Man of Steel's ass. 

And don't forget, Affleck is one of those lucky few who gets to say this, 

Peace out!

Monday 12 August 2013

Edward Cullen is Pure Evil

Ok so I've been thinking about this and I have come to the conclusion that Edward Cullen may be one of the most evil vampires around. 

Yeah, you did just read that. 

No, I didn't make a mistake ... nor have I completely lost the plot. 

Just think about it, Edward Cullen is centuries old and he just one day decides to saunter into the local high school and falls in love with a teen girl. All very romantic and all (only if you're a teen girl, that is) but there are a couple of questions;

Was this first time he just decided to enrol himself into the local high school? Probably not. He seemed to know what he was doing, like he had done this kind of thing many times before. 

Then there's the why would he want to enrol in high school? What possible reason could there be for him to want to do this? Well, that's pretty obvious: the girls. He wants to find and seduce a vulnerable teenage girl, and what better way to do this than at high school. 

And why would Edward Cullen want to find and seduce teen girls? Especially since he's centuries old. There's some serious cradle robbing perv action happening here (it's a good thing he's young and so impossibly good looking, I guess). Well, why did Dracula want to find and seduce young women?

Yeah, that's what Edward Cullen is all about too. Sure, it can be argued that he only turned Bella to save her life. But it's a safe guess that this was always what he intended to do. 

The whole being able to go into the sunlight unscathed and sparkling things (insert real vampires can't go out into sunlight and sure as hell don't sparkle rant here) are nothing more than (extremely effective) devices to distract us from Edward Cullen's real nature: evil. Pure evil. Just think about it, what are the main things anti-Twilight people throw about in arguments about why Edward Cullen sucks as a vampire? And what are the main arguments pro-Twilight people throw about in arguments about why Edward Cullen doesn't suck as a vampire? 

Nothing about evil, right. Just a lot of shiz about real vampires not sparkling and good intentions and how real vampires don't have good intentions (although Angel and Spike are the exceptions to this, of course). 

But all these arguments could be used with Dracula, and there's little doubt that he's evil, right?

There's little doubt that Edward Cullen is just as evil as Dracula. And because of how sneaky Edward Cullen is about going about his business, he's probably more of a threat than Dracula ... never thought I'd say that (especially concerning a vampire that sparkles). And then there's the whole manipulating the girls into thinking they want to be turned thing. That's some serious mind games there, and another indication of Edward Cullen's evil nature.