Wednesday 18 December 2013

Jurassic Park Builder

So, I found a game on Facebook that I wanted to give a go. Now, I am in no way a big Facebook gamer as to play a lot of the mentioned games you need to add a lot of people to your account if your friends don't play the same games. Which in turn can turn your Facebook account upside down with so many people finding you because you play that game.

Well anyway, the game I found is call Jurassic Park Builder and when you first load the game on Facebook you get asked if you would like to install in to your mobile device, android, iOS and Amazon but you can still play it right from your Windows or OSx browser.

What you notice first after the game loads is that you are giving the task of feeding a baby Triceratops and bring it into adult hood. This is quite fun watching a baby dinosaur grow into its full size. Now if you’re anything like me you like games that move quickly to allow you to get use to the controls and the way the game works.

But feeding this baby triceratops is one long goal and takes a few minutes to get it to grow to the adult size that the mission is asking you to do. But then once you get the triceratops to adult hood who souls show up but Dr. Grant himself.

He gives you a mission and then leaves you to explore your Dinosaur Island, Once you complete the mission that you get given from Dr. Grant, you're then told to go to the Research lab. WOW they have a research lab, I wonder what fun and exciting things await for us in that building.

So the research place is quite quick at research and you get to create DNA strands sometimes this will work first time others it will take a little longer to gain that much needed DNA strand. But once you get the 3 DNA stands that you need you are given a new baby dinosaur.

Guess who you meet on your Dinosaur Island after completing the third mission, yes you guessed it the Jurassic Park owner himself Dr. Hammond. He gives you more missions because you can never have too many missions on any game.

You get to clear forest to expand your park and Dr. Hammond. Tells you that he wants this version of Jurassic Park to be bigger and better than the original, oh and as you progress through the game do not forget to collect the much needed coins form your Dinosaur.

You get to build enclosure that come with Dinosaur eggs that you have to hatch. Sometimes this can be down by pressing the speed up button but most of the time it will be a waiting game, like in real life. Then you have to feed it and the new Dinosaur you get is a meat eater so you need to go to the docks and order some meat and some veggies so you can continue feeding your little Dinosaur friends.

Oh and when you get passed the dock section of the game you run into another of Jurassic Park’s original guests, Malcolm who thinks it is safer to be with the Dinosaur then the guests that are coming to the park and what is more fun is you get to watch the guests in their cars drive around your two Dinosaur.

Now comes the fun part getting your friends to play this game so you can progress, this is where you get people from the forums to come and join you because you know your friends on FB are not cool enough yet to be playing this with you. The best way to try and get your friends to play this game is by sending out gifts, hang on that is what you do with most games on FB these days. But you can only send gifts to 50 friends at once.

I noticed I was lucky enough to already have friends playing this game which made my progress through it a lot easier.

Don't forget to expand and collect the needed amber to make more and more Dinosaur and make sure you keep your guests happy as they will bring the money in as well.

Monday 25 November 2013

Howl's moving Castle

Howls moving castle is an animated movie released in 2005 and is part of the Studio Ghibli collection. Directed and scripted by Hayao Miyazaki. It is a wonderful tale of magic, adventure, humour, and ultimately love.
The story goes like this, 
Sophie is a 18 year old hard working hat maker on her way to see her sister, (yes I am aware this sounds very red riddinghoodish) where she is attacked by solders and is save by Howl (who is voiced by Christian Bale which I was surprised by because I don’t really like him as an actor). Howl is a very powerful magician who is caught in the middle of a war. The mysterious stranger who comes to her aid, who takes her for a magical walk above the crowded streets of Market Chipping to deliver her safely at the bakery where her sister works.

Because of this chance encounter the Witch of the Waste (yes I know Wizard of Oz)  puts a curse on Sophie and turns her into a 90 year old woman .We follow Sophie’s story ,along where she meets Turnip Head voiced by Crispin Freeman, who shows her the way to Howls moving castle.  It is powered and held together by a fire named Calcirfer voiced by Billy Crystal.

Through the whole movie there is a connection between Howl and Sophie which turns to love , it’s a war time love story  ,where you are just swept away by the art work in this film , it is just simply amazing.

DVD features:
There are not many features on the DVD. just the usually play ,select scenes and a theatrical trailer for the movie and a list of the Studio Ghibli collection , but other than that not much else , I know thrilling right , but what it lacks in this department it makes up for it on the art work on the front cover , there are a few covers out there depending on where you live and if you buy the English version (which this review  is about) of the Japanese version which was released first , but as I don’t know any Japanese I can’t review it .

This is my favorite movie in the vast Studio Ghibli collection, Because of the spectacularly beautiful art work and well-known actors that just sweeps you along threw the highs and lows of the whole magical love story. I recommend this to EVERYONE !

- Sora

Monday 11 November 2013

Review; Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine

Firstly, let me say that if I saw this for sale in store I would've bought it based purely on the cover. It has a pop up in it! 

Secondly, I am going to have to admit that I'm not all that familiar with the original Lupin the Third series. It's something I've heard about and been told I should see. And if it's anything like The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, and is actually true to the original series, I'm going to have get my act together and lay my hands on some original Lupin the Third in the near future. 

For those of you that don't know, The Woman called Fujiko Mine takes place before the first season. It focuses on Fujiko Mine and features the whole gang (so I'm informed) before they joined together. It centres around Fujiko Mine who throws the lives of LupinJigen and Goeman into chaos with her wild and unpredictable ways. 

There is something dark about most of the characters. But that's not to say that the whole series is dark. There are also moments of cool humour. The whole series is very laid back and cool, along the same lines of Cowboy Bebop with it's delivery.  

Throughout the series there are hints about Fujiko's past, but there's no definitive answers about what she's hiding. The opening and closing credits provide the most clues there. But it's clear that Fujiko is running from something in her past. It's also clear that she also enjoys living the life of a master thief, and that she's a very capable one. She'll stop at nothing and is willing to use anything at her disposal to get what she wants, and she wants what she lays her eyes on. Most of the time she's willing to leave others in trouble while she makes her escape, while at other times she's perfectly happy to team up if it suits her purposes. 

While he's already an established master thief, there is something amateurish and comical about some of Lupin's hijinks, as though he's still learning his trade. Or maybe he just really enjoys show boating. Given the fact that he announces his crimes to the police before hand, and the
amount of thought that actually goes into his heists, it's probably likely that it's the latter. Lupin really enjoys the notoriority of it all, and probably also enjoys making a fool out of Inspector Zenigata. However there is something predatory about Lupin at the same time; that note announcing that Fujiko Mine will be his, and we all know that Lupin gets what he wants, right? 

But while Fujiko and Lupin are enjoying their lives as master thieves, Jigen and Goeman are trying to forge new lives for themselves after crossing paths with Fujiko. They both seem to be unable to resist Fujiko's charm, and seem to find themselves caught up in her plans. Although since they both seem to be trying to find themselves, neither of them seems to might too much. At any rate, neither of them try very hard to avoid working with Fujiko. 

Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine is a fantastic series that leaves the audience wanting more. It's very easy to get lost in that world of intrigue and vice. Even not having seen the original series, The Woman Called Fujiko was great to watch. It was a great way to get to know the characters before they became who they are in the original series. It's definitely made me want to want to watch the next chapter in the gang's story once the story of The Woman Called Fujiko Mine is finished. Although one thing I did notice while watching is all of the owl symbolism that appeared in every episode. Up until the Death Day episode, I assumed that it had something to do with the overall Lupin the Third story that I wasn't familiar with yet. But after a couple of those flashbacks in Death Day, I now
think that all of that owl symbolism might actually pertain to Fujiko's secret. So it might pay to pay close attention to anything owl like that appears on screen; it might just help you figure out Fujiko's secret a little faster than the rest of us. 

Peace out!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

10 of Australia's most deadly animals

Australia is a nice place to live but there are just some things you do go out of your way to take home as a pet or even go near. That is because as most people already know Australia has some of the deadliest animals than any other place on the world. Sure Africa has its Lions and tigers but we have so many other things that live down holes and can pop up and bite you without you noticing.
So any way let’s get started, oh by the way if you’re scared of things like spiders and snacks please leave this entry now as they are mentioned bellow and they are not in any order.

10. The Box Jellyfish

This little guy is known for killing 80 aussies and tourists alike since the 1980’s, not only does it have tentacles that can well grab you and then wrap around you they have little harpoons like things that get into your skin and well inject a crap load of poison in to your body in one go and what follows is death in around a few minutes. 

It is beast to avoid this little guy when swimming around The Great Barrier Reef, so if you see one coming for you get out of the water and on a boat and that just may save your life, but if you do happen to get stung pour a lot of vinegar on the sting, remove the tentacles from you with a towel, this will reduce the damage but then high tail it to the nearest hospital to get medical attention.

 9. Irukandji Jellyfish

Yes that’s right another jellyfish from Australian waters this little guys lives in the northern oceans just off NT, WA and QLD and is very deadly and is only around 2.5cm, wow that is a small jellyfish so you won’t even notice that it’s with you when swimming. 

This little guy uses its tentacles to get the powerful venom into you and if you are stung you could day within days, that is what happen to one swimmer of the coast of Hamilton Island in 2002. 

Oh and by the way this little guy is related to the bigger Box Jellyfish.

8. The Sydney funnel web spider

This guy is not only the deadliest spider in Australia but it has been said that it may just be the world’s deadliest, yes that is right Australia has the number one spider in the world that could kill you. Not only does this spider have huge fangs that can inject its venom through your thickest leather boot, yes that is right it has bigger fangs that the brown snake, but there is a bucket load of venom with in this spider. 

If bitten the best thing to do is put a Band-Aid over it and wrap the limb tight with cotton bandages and get someone to help you get to the nearest hospital so that they can inject you with some anti-venom, oh by the way this spiders anti-venom is made from yes that is right the venom itself. But that is the case for a lot of venomous spiders. Just a warning the funnel web can be found in New South Wales from forests to people’s backyards and swimming pools, yes this spider likes to swim. So if you see one leave it alone or call an exterminator.

7. Blue ringed Octopus

You may think this little guy is cute, measuring around the same size as a golf ball these guys have the same venom found in the fugu fish’s flesh, there have only been three reported deaths by this creature but it is one of the world’s most deadly sea creatures and Australian’s know to leave them alone and not touch them.

They have three hearts and around enough venom to kill 26 adults, if bitten the best chance of survival for the victim is CPR that can last for a several hours as it causes motor paralysis, eventually leading to cardiac arrest.

6. Stone fish

Yes this is another one of Australia’s deadly sea creatures and an ugly one at that, this fish has also got the name of the most venoms fish in the world. It looks like a rock and lives at the bottom of reefs like The Great Barrier Reef and around the Tropic of Capricorn, awaiting pray to swim by or some unknowing persons to step on it. The way it gets its venom into other creatures is by the 13 yes that is right 13 spines that lines its dorsal fin. It causes shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the severity of the sting. 

The pain is said to be so excruciating that it lead to amputating the affected limb, now that is not fun in any ones book and why would you want to lose a limb over a stupid fish.

5. King Brown snake

Ok for one thing if you live in Victoria, Tasmania and western Western Australia you won’t run into this deadly snake at all they are mostly found in the central and northern parts of the country and is known to be the widest distribution of any Australian snake but at the same time this snake also is the heaviest venomous snake in Australia and has the largest-recorded venom output of any in the world delivering 150mg in one bite and depending on where you find this snake is dependent on its behavior.

The ones in the north are very active and agitated if disturbed but the ones in the south tend to stay away and have a much calmer demeanor, but that still should say do not go anywhere near them as they will still attack if threatened and you know they are pissed if they throw their heads from side to side and hiss very loudly. 

If these things come after you and actual get there fangs in they will continue to chew and hang on while getting there highly toxic venom in.  This venom destroys blood cells and affects the muscles and nerves. So that is one sign right there that you should not even have these snakes as pets.

4. Southern Death Adder

If the name alone has not made you run away yet then the way these guys attack sure will, they are known to ambush there pray by sitting completely still, concealed in leaf litter, sand or gravel, twitching the worm-like lure on the end of its tail.

 This thing tricks you how smart is that and what is worse unlike snakes that leave when a person is walking through the bush this thing will just sit tight and let you step on it then well you know what happens next if you step on a snake it will turn round and bite you.

About half of death adder bites proved fatal before the introduction of anti-venom. The venom contains a type of neurotoxin which causes loss of motor and sensory function, including respiration, resulting in paralysis and death.

3. Red Back Spider

This guys like to hide in dry areas like sheds, mail boxes and under toilet seats, so make sure you check before you go and sit down on your toilet because your mates will most likely make fun of you if you turn round and say “I was bitten on the bum by a red back”.

The female is the bigger of the two and is the one that has the distinguishing red mark on its back side and can measure around 1cm long, and there venom effects the nervous systems but due to their small fang size a lot of bits form this girl does not affect us. 

Oh and if you find Daddy-Long legs around your hose you will not find red backs as well they eat the god dam things talk about irony.

2. Coastal Tiapan

Now for a fact that will make you almost run away from these guys if you ever see them they have been recorded to have the longest fangs of any Australian snake measuring in at 13 cm long and have the third most venomous venom of any land snake, that’s enough to make a grown man cringe.

These snakes are very nervous and alert buggers that don’t even trust the same type of snake, they put up a ferocious defense when surprised or cornered, staying completely still before hurling their lightweight body forward to inflict several lightning-fast snapping bites but they would much rather scurry away from a predator then stay and fight, so that’s the good news. 

Before the anti-venom was introduced in 1956 a bite from one of these snakes was nearly always fatal, the venom of these snakes affects the nervous system and the blood, with nausea, convulsions, internal bleeding, destruction of the muscles and kidney damage. In severe cases death can occur in just 30 minutes. Now that is fast acting and if you’re on the coast and nowhere near a hospitals, give these guys a wide berth.

1. Cone Snail

Now this snail is one thing you never want to pick up off the beach by accident and think it’s just a pretty shell, if you ever do see this guy or its shell on a beach leave it there as they can kill.

This snail is a predator and likes to eat fish but it is not scared to send its harpoon like proboscis straight in to whatever is close by and injecting venom that is 1000 times more powerful then morphine that will cause paralyses allowing it to eat its pray or in the case of humans just knocking you down so it can get on its way.

This thing carries enough venom to kill 15 healthy adults in one day. There has only been one death by Cone Snail and that was back in 1935 so I can say one thing about the Australian people we learn quick.

- Fusion

Monday 21 October 2013

Five of Australia's Stupidest Laws


So I thought I would write an entry about some of the stupidest laws ever to make it into Australian law. Some of these laws are well just mind-blowingly dumb but they have been made law and some of them have been removed at later dates.
So let’s get started.

5.  Children may not purchase cigarettes, but they may use them.

Now this is just a stupid law on its own as in all states and territories of Australia you must be over the age of 18 to buy cigarettes and if you look under 25 you’re going to be asked to show your ID, now ladies don’t take that the wrong way take it as a complement.
What is worse is that if you supply a minor with these products you don’t just risk jail time but a huge fine and could lose the ability to sell those products both for the individual supplying it to the minor and the business that sells it to the person even if they are over 18.

4. It is illegal to force a kangaroo to drink more than 6 bottles of beer.

Ok so if you’re anything like me you would have read that and started laughing and thinking but “I can give a Kangaroo up to 5 bottles of beer”. But I must say I have never even seen a drunk Kangaroo and now I really want to.
How this law got through is well a mystery to myself and I have done a lot of google-fu to try and find the answer but can’t.

3. Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb.

Yes, this law is an old one but it still exists within the state of Victoria but it’s not really policed and if it was you would be charged a fine of 10 pounds which today would be, well I have no idea we use dollars today.

What is funny about this law is that local hsupermarkets like Coles and Woolworths sell them on their shelves ready to be put in by the everyday person, I mean why would you get a licensed electrician out to install a new light globe, they will just charge you an arm and a leg for that service.
So next time you want to change that blown light globe on the front porch make sure there are no police around and you will be fine.

2 People may not come within 100 meters of a dead whale carcass.

This is a new law that has just become law in some Australian states, you may ask why and that is an easy one to answer. Stupid tourists have come to our country and seen dead whales and thought it would be fun to go out there and pat the sharks that are eating it and what do you know the shark turns on them.
So this law is not so dumb after all, but, you would think, “why would anyone go anywhere near something that is getting eaten by sharks?” And the answer is tourists are not always the smartest of people when they come to an unfamiliar country.

1. It is illegal to dress up as Batman or Robin.

Now this has got you thinking why and the reason is in some states there are laws where you are not allowed to cover your face for the fear you’re a cat burglar.  


Think about the irony of that for a minute.
